servo Category

Samsa II, The Hexapod

[pabloxid] shared an Hexapod project on the forum based on an Arduino MEGA 1280 and 18 Dynamixel AX-12 motors: SAMSA is based on the Wiring board, with an ATmega128 microcontroller, and SAMSA II on the Arduino Mega, with an ATmega1280. Both are pretty similar, tough the ATmega1280 has 8 KB SRAM, twice the ATmega128. For […]

Cheap Thermocam Around 100$

[Max] forwarded me an impressive project about a DIY Themal Camera. The overall cost for building it is around 104$, compairing to professional products ranging from from 2000$ to 30.000$. after some time of research I want to present my latest project called “Cheap-Thermocam”. It enables to create thermal images of houses, electrical devices or […]

Kinect Controlled Delta-Robot

Everybody’s amazed about the incredible things done with Kinect and Processing + Arduino. Tutorial need! This is a project in development for the module “Digital Ecologies”, at the Bartlett’s Adaptive Architecture and Computation MSc. – University College London A Delta-Robot is controlled by a Kinect through Processing and Arduino. The movements of the performer control […]

Seg..Stick – A Stick-Controlled, Arduino-Based Segway

[scolton] made a nice self-balaced vehicle based on two DeWalt cordless drills and an Arduino Nano: Segstick is a self-balancing…well, literally some kind of broomstick I found in the MITERS workshop. It is powered direct by two DeWalt cordless drills chucked to two 6″ wheels. The controller is an Arduino. Additional supporting devices include an Inertial […]

Spiral Wall (Arduino+Processing)Spiral Wall (Arduino+Processing)

This project is called “Spiral Wall”  which used Processing to control Arduino board. Pressing the keyboard(or mouse) to control the servo to rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise. You can see how the silk-line rotate and make the diversity of the patterns. via [MAKE] source [Pandalabcc] Questo progetto si chiama “Spiral Wall”  e utilizza Processing per controllare […]