electret microphone Category

Machine learning for the maker community

At Arduino Day, I talked about a project I and my collaborators have been working on to bring machine learning to the maker community. Machine learning is a technique for teaching software to recognize patterns using data, e.g. for recognizing spam emails or recommending related products. Our ESP (Example-based Sensor Predictions) software recognizes patterns in […]

Arduino Circuit Bending Workshop in Torino

Il prossimo week-end a Torino si terrà un workshop gratuito di Arduino (un kit opzionale potrà essere comprato per partecipare qualora non disponeste dei materiali elencati) sul circuit bending e la generazione di suoni con la scheda. Un workshop di tre giorni per smontare riciclare e far suonare vecchi strumenti elettronici, creare una digital toys […]

Samsa II, The Hexapod

[pabloxid] shared an Hexapod project on the forum based on an Arduino MEGA 1280 and 18 Dynamixel AX-12 motors: SAMSA is based on the Wiring board, with an ATmega128 microcontroller, and SAMSA II on the Arduino Mega, with an ATmega1280. Both are pretty similar, tough the ATmega1280 has 8 KB SRAM, twice the ATmega128. For […]

Arduino Realtime Audio Spectrum Analyzer with Video out! Arduino Realtime Audio Spectrum Analyzer with Video out! Arduino Realtime Audio Spectrum Analyzer with Video out!

[Paul Bishop] shared code & pics about his project mixing a 8 bit FFT library found on the forum (in C) and the TvOut library. The first piece- data collection- is fairly standard.  I use an electret microphone (which alone only produces a few mV output, far too low for our Arduino to use directly) […]

Arduino Realtime Audio Spectrum Analyzer with Video out! Arduino Realtime Audio Spectrum Analyzer with Video out! Arduino Realtime Audio Spectrum Analyzer with Video out!

[Paul Bishop] shared code & pics about his project mixing a 8 bit FFT library found on the forum (in C) and the TvOut library. The first piece- data collection- is fairly standard.  I use an electret microphone (which alone only produces a few mV output, far too low for our Arduino to use directly) […]