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New Forum Boards and Moderators

dcuartiellesMarch 29th, 2012

Today we welcome three new forum moderators as well as the Dutch (Nederlands) board and a new structure for the French boards. JO3RI and JANTJE are our new Dutch moderators and Nick Gammon becomes part of our Global Moderator’s list.

We are experiencing a huge increase in the traffic on the Arduino site. Most of it goes to the forum. We are happy to see this development in the community. Last month was the first time we reached over 1.000.000 unique IPs on our server and this month we will reach it again. Here a graph showing the development of the visits to the Arduino website:



(c) 2012 The Arduino Team

We are now working in preparing the next generation of the website. It is going to take some months before you see anything coming out, I can only say it will be great 🙂 We want the Arduino site to be the best place for makers to meet up and share their projects … but it is going to demand a lot of effort to make it happen.

In the meanwhile we will keep on patching the server and we will make sure everything you guys are contributing with makes it to the next iteration of the system: forum messages, playground pages, and translations.


4 Responses to “New Forum Boards and Moderators”

  1. liudr Says:

    That’s great! Any word of how the radioshack sales were during the past few months? Just a thought, maybe the forum visits and radioshack sales could be correlated? is also selling arduino/compatible hardware now.

  2. dcuartielles Says:


    I don’t have the graphs with me but overall Arduino sales and server traffic are correlated. Obviously the fact Radioshack put Arduino on the shelves last Xmas affected the load for that particular vacation period.

  3. Kerwin Lumpkins Says:


    I started a project on kickstarter that Arduino users may be interested in. Short story is that it is an Arduino based thing for end users that want to use electronics in a project, but don’t want to figure out how to get wifi working, and how to solder and how to…

    Link to project is:

    It has wifi built in, controls up to 4 servos and 2 DC motors, temperature sensor and light sensor built in with ports to connect other things. I invented this because I was tired of having to spend 3 or 4 hours figuring out how to get wifi working and then make headers for servos and input sensors.



  4. Jill U. Hudson Says:

    I wonder what would take so that Third World countries could be part of this?

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