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Arduino Pinout ASCII art ready to go

Zoe RomanoNovember 20th, 2015

To enable easy documentation of pin assignments, BusyDuckMan created a couple of ASCII art of Arduino Uno and Mega boards marking ports, PWM and coms. You can now then simply copy and paste as a comment into your code and document in an easy way how the arduino is connected to other devices:

They can be pasted into code comments, (use /* and */ in the arduino IDE to create a block comment). They can also be useful in forums, when you need a quick arduino diagram, but don’t want to fire up an image editor.





4 Responses to “Arduino Pinout ASCII art ready to go”

  1. Beatusvir Says:

    haha this just made my motd!

  2. dobra-dobra Says:

    This is really good idea and it should be used in examples present in IDE, especially for shields. I often need to search in internet to find out which pins are in use and which I can use for my purpose.

  3. cbrucewarren Says:

    When I copy and paste the text from the web site, it is not formated in my sketch. I tried to copy it to text editor and it also is mangled..any thoughts? I have pasted below.

    +—-[PWR]——————-| USB |–+
    | +—–+ |
    | GND/RST2 [ ] [ ] |
    | MOSI2/SCK2 [ ] [ ] SCL[ ] | C5
    | 5V/MISO2 [ ] [ ] SDA[ ] | C4
    | AREF[ ] |
    | GND[ ] |
    | [ ]N/C SCK/13[A] | B5
    | [ ]v.ref MISO/12[A] | .
    | [ ]RST MOSI/11[A]~| .
    | [ ]3V3 +—+ 10[ ]~| .
    | [ ]5v | A | 9[ ]~| .
    | [ ]GND -| R |- 8[B] | B0
    | [ ]GND -| D |- |
    | [ ]Vin -| U |- 7[A] | D7
    | -| I |- 6[A]~| .
    | [ ]A0 -| N |- 5[C]~| .
    | [ ]A1 -| O |- 4[A] | .
    | [ ]A2 +—+ INT1/3[A]~| .
    | [ ]A3 INT0/2[ ] | .
    | [ ]A4 RST SCK MISO TX>1[ ] | .
    | [ ]A5 [ ] [ ] [ ] RX<0[ ] | D0
    | [ ] [ ] [ ] |
    | UNO_R3 GND MOSI 5V ____________/

  4. jmchessman Says:

    It looks as though you have been bitten by the old “proportional-spaced font” issue. Try pasting it into Notepad, then copy/paste it from there into your sketch. Alternatively, paste it into a text editor and change the font to “Monospac821BT”. That should make everything line up.

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