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How to control Arduino board using an Android phone

Zoe RomanoJuly 18th, 2013

Arduino Android

Kerimil, user on Arduino Forum, submitted us his  project which focuses on establishing communication between an Arduino board and an android mobile using bluetooth:

The idea is to gain access to hardware on Android devices (accelerometers, gyro, wifi connectivity, gps, GPRS, touchscreen, text to speech and speech to text) and/or use it to relay data to the internet. MIT’s app inventor was used to write a custom app in this example. The code can be easily modified to create your own apps.

You can watch his video below and read the complete tutorial on this page.


18 Responses to “How to control Arduino board using an Android phone”

  1. Jad Says:

    On the Instructable page for this project under License the authors selected “License: None (All Rights Reserved)” so I don’t see the value of this project being shared on the Arduino blog where open source is the name of the game. And I also don’t understand how the author can use an open source tools such as AppInventor and then chooses a contradictory license model. It’s just isn’t nice.

  2. kerimil Says:

    License: None (All Rights Reserved) means I don’t want other people to, for example use my pics on a different instructable. Say what you want but whenever some site wants to take my rights to something I choose not to agree with that. If you have read my instructable you’d have known I encourage people to use the code I created and modify it in whatever way they want to

  3. Michael Allen Says:

    It really shows how advance we are today, I’m impressed with this project..really cool!

  4. Toby Balogna Says:

    kerimil, if the source is there, then what do you care? that should be my new slogan.

    anyhow, stop getting all righteous over the guy’s stuff, he gave you the source, what more do you want. get a lyyffeeee.

  5. Toby Balogna Says:

    I meant Jad.

  6. _crock Says:

    Thanks Kerimil for show me the way.

    Here is my contribution..

    The demostration video of my app:

    The source:

    The app:

    I hope it would be useful for somebody…

  7. 4ntoine Says:

    Try ArduinoCommander app on Google Play. It’s much more advanced

  8. xuanhathudong Says:

    I hope it would be useful for somebody…

  9. gonglin Says:

    This entry was posted by Zoe Romano on Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 and is filed under arduino, Projects. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

  10. theanh1089 Says:


  11. microcontrollerslab Says:

    arduino made things very easy to control through android phones thank you very much

  12. DustinDude Says:

    Arduino is awesome!

  13. JesusFreak Says:

    Can you post the program

  14. JesusFreak Says:

    I would like to be able to use the blutooth.

  15. ganeshbk17 Says:

    i want arduino code to send sms to a number that is stored in sim memory. ie a number is stored in sim memory and i want a pre-written msg to send to that number

  16. dryfta Says:

    This is good stuff. At Dryfta, we are using Arduino to build our 24/7 surveillance drone for live events. Using the combination of Arduino, Rotors, and Wireless charging we are building something no event tech company has ever built!

  17. dmeq6 Says:


    I am trying to connect my genuino 101 board with bluetooth but I can’t. I put next code:




    BLEPeripheral blePeripheral;

    Servo servos[13];

    // creació del objecte servo per controlar els servos

    void waitForInput(){


    char incomingChar=;
    manageChar (incomingChar);
    void manageChar (char c){



    void setup() {

    blePeripheral.setLocalName (“LEDCB”);



    void loop() {


    Could anyone help me?

    Thaks a lot


  18. Automatizazion Says:

    Is itnposible with samsung e-tabs

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