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Open Hardware Summit Is Waiting For You

Davide GombaJune 15th, 2011

OHS2011 opened submissions for its second edition. Go for it!

The Open Hardware Summit (OHS) invites submissions for the second annual summit, to be held on September 15, 2011 in New York City (Venue TBA). The Open Hardware Summit is a venue to present, discuss, and learn about open hardware of all kinds. The summit examines open hardware and its relation to other issues, such as software, design, business, and law. We are seeking submissions for talks, breakout sessions, and demos from individuals and groups working with open hardware and related areas. Submissions are due by June 24, 2011. Notification of accepted proposals will happen by August 1st.

Since the first Open Hardware Summit in 2010, we have seen the open hardware movement continue to flourish. The Open-Source Hardware Definition was announced, the OSHW logo was selected by a popular vote, an open source oil spill cleaning robot got more than $33,000 in crowd funding, Google adopted the open hardware movement’s biggest success story, Arduino, as its platform and our very own keynote speaker, Limor Fried, was featured on the front page of Wired Magazine – to name a few. Needless to say, open hardware is getting BIG.

read more on [OHS2011]


4 Responses to “Open Hardware Summit Is Waiting For You”

  1. sergio Says:

    does any one know the regiser page on the forum does not work? it asks for the word or picture or sound but none of them appear on the registration page. I would love to register to the forum so i could get help on my arduino project. Thanks for looking into it

  2. Says:

    Hi Sergio.
    Change browser and / or youyr provacy settings: the Campcha in not allowed to appear from your browser.

    ciao davide

  3. Geert Says:

    RepRap (the open source 3D printen who can print 60% of itself) should be also on that event…

  4. Says:

    I think they are going to on the event as well.

    Thanks for commenting,

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